Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Global Connection has a new website!

For the past few months I've been working on generating my own, professional looking website. It is a constant work in progress but today I would like to share it with you as it is. 

In a few days, on July 12th, I will be starting my solo-travel journey to South America, starting in Belize. I will be consistently blogging, making podcasts (recorded conversations with other travelers), and taking photos all along the way. My journey will last at the very least two years, but hopefully, with the help of you and the new website, indefinitely. 

Most of my old posts will be available on the new website and I will be having links to where you can find them on the blogspot posts. 

So here it is: The Global Connection

I look forward to seeing you on the other side! 


  1. I have always been aware that i was recieving frequencies from a young age but most recently i have experienced a different kind of awakening. I have had access to my third eye also for quite some time but i have now came across my seventh sence. In my meditation state i can access different realms and portals and i see it all clearly bjt this time it was different. I was travelling through the galaxies when a huge overwhelming rush came into my head it wasnt a sensation or feeling or vibration or frequency that i never had before but a crocodilea eye appeared. It appeared so vividly though as if i had just seen it in real life. The next day everything seemed different like i didnt belong here and i was from a different universe. I have also been having trouble with my employer as i worked for a utility company anf without hacking or getting information passed to me i managedto work out that the system they use for billing their customers was not working properly. In my head i worked out that the system was and had been putting debt onto peoples pay as you go top up machines the exact same wae or proccess it would do if it was on monthly direct debit or quarterly so whoever made the billing coded format done it all for the exact same 3 meter types which no one knew about. I told them about it and the the proccess that i knew from start to finish were wrong anf theyve tried to covev it up. Long story for a short cut but im just a normal person to other people but i harness all the power and positivity from tbe earth and animals without sounding to much like a hippy but i also harness the frequencies i get from my everyday thoughts to my third eye and now this crocodile eye seventh sence that takes me to places that are far and beyond anything that i have ever experienced making my so called real world feel like an illusion. I also have a genuis jotter in which i belive i know the answer to space time and travelling through it as i have already started my own expiriment i the real world av well as in my transendental state. i would be gratefull if you could get in touch as i dont have a clue what to do with this information without sounding crazy

  2. I have always been aware that i was recieving frequencies from a young age but most recently i have experienced a different kind of awakening. I have had access to my third eye also for quite some time but i have now came across my seventh sence. In my meditation state i can access different realms and portals and i see it all clearly bjt this time it was different. I was travelling through the galaxies when a huge overwhelming rush came into my head it wasnt a sensation or feeling or vibration or frequency that i never had before but a crocodilea eye appeared. It appeared so vividly though as if i had just seen it in real life. The next day everything seemed different like i didnt belong here and i was from a different universe. I have also been having trouble with my employer as i worked for a utility company anf without hacking or getting information passed to me i managedto work out that the system they use for billing their customers was not working properly. In my head i worked out that the system was and had been putting debt onto peoples pay as you go top up machines the exact same wae or proccess it would do if it was on monthly direct debit or quarterly so whoever made the billing coded format done it all for the exact same 3 meter types which no one knew about. I told them about it and the the proccess that i knew from start to finish were wrong anf theyve tried to covev it up. Long story for a short cut but im just a normal person to other people but i harness all the power and positivity from tbe earth and animals without sounding to much like a hippy but i also harness the frequencies i get from my everyday thoughts to my third eye and now this crocodile eye seventh sence that takes me to places that are far and beyond anything that i have ever experienced making my so called real world feel like an illusion. I also have a genuis jotter in which i belive i know the answer to space time and travelling through it as i have already started my own expiriment i the real world av well as in my transendental state. i would be gratefull if you could get in touch as i dont have a clue what to do with this information without sounding crazy

  3. Very nice and interesting post

  4. What happened to your website?

    1. It will be up again hopefully within the month.

  5. من مميزات الواح الفيبر جلاس انها تعطي سطح لامع فهو سهل التنظيف وخالي من العيوب فهي جميلة تتميز بالقوة والمتانة والجودة العالية والألوان الجذابة كما أنها دائمة لقوة تماسكه وعدم تأثره بالماء فهي قوية ، تعرف على اسعار الواح كلادينج وتساعد إن المطبخ الالمونتال يعيش مدة أطول ضد الخدش وضد المياه الفرميكا وهو أقل ملائمة لبقاء الحشرات ويمكنك غسله بالماء
