Saturday, December 14, 2013

Coming Back To Reality - Clearing the Illusory World Created Through Thought

"A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts, so he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions..." 
Alan Watts 

A computer is a platform for potential programs. All programs are contained within a computer. None can "escape" or be ran outside the realm of a computer-like setting, nor does it or can it come from the "outside" in. All is contained within the computer or the web that each creates. In the same way, "you" cannot "escape" from the world because you are the world. You do not come from the "outside" "in" for all is contained within the seed of the big bang. All that you see "out there" is coming in through "your" eyes and looking back at itself. The inner and outer realms of existences are not two separate objects but one united process. The inner creates the outer and the outer creates the inner. You are both, no... you are it, you are that.

Everything contained within this moment (all of existence) is you. This biological device is an aperture in which "all of that" looks back at itself and reflects upon itself creating an echo of the present moment, the past. This, of course, creates the feeling of time, all of which incurs through the mind and more specifically, language. "It" is sending feedback loops to itself through the "echo" of the present moment that you create through the ego. Nothing is wrong with this. In fact, it is pure brilliance. The only "problem", if you want to label it that, arises when you think that there is a problem need solving. Nothing is ever "wrong" right now in this very moment. The only thing "bad" (or even "good") that occurs now is done in the fictional personal symbolic narrative of yourself, of the "I". 

Take a second and close your eyes. Relax... breathe deeply, listen to everything. Don't judge, just listen, just watch. If you catch yourself judging, do not judge the judgement for that would be a judgmental loop. Simply see that you are judging and nothing more, then "you" will no longer be judging. After a few minutes of this, ask yourself this: 

Who am I?
Wait for the response..

The entirety of existence is experiencing itself, all right now, all through you. The "real you" never leaves and yet never stays. You are not some static thing that is pushed around by the world. You are not a victim needing revenge. How can you conquer the world if you are the world, the universe, the very essence of existence. That would be like trying to bite your own teeth, impossible and rather laughable. For that is what this is. This thing called life is not serious. It is play. Laugh about it, have fun with the act of you.
 You are the world, the universe, all of existence through that existence, right now. 
Language and conscious attention try to make sense of the world, by picking it apart, piece by piece, trying to fit it together as if it was an unsolved puzzle. However, to solve the puzzle is to not solve the puzzle because there is no puzzle to solve. There are no separate pieces needing assembled. The universe grows. Perhaps in the egoic mind structures like the economy but fundamentally reality is one united process that is all of 'you'. This process needs no solving because how could you solve you, especially when you is this moment right now and this moment, that moment is foreverly moving. Forever beyond the reach of your grasp. How can your right hand grab your right hand? You are in it, no, you are it. 

The ego, conscious attention, is the feedback loop of existence. A sort of "feature" to it all. However, it is not all of existence. It is a part, but not all. Sometimes this part of existence, your story, you past, your future, your hopes, your worries, can begin to hypnotize you. The loop gets caught up in itself and loops around the loop, which creates for a very.. loopy perspective. It creates a fictional player whom reads hundreds of book all from the same book. A hesitation occurs. Calculations upon calculations are ran but nothing comes up and when the loop ends, a split-second, spontaneous decision is made, always. Computer scientists might refer to the this mental chatter as a recursive loop: A loop that never breaks and only the input values (thoughts) differ until a code is given to end it. Fortunately for you, you already know the code. You've had "the code" this entire time, thinking you have not. That right there is your problem. You try to "one up" the world, your mind, yourself, as if it is something outside of you working against you. You and the world, your environment, the universe work together. But there is no "together" in which two or more "things" come together. That would imply separation. In a universe that grows from within itself, like a seed into a tree, nothing can come from the outside in. All is contained within. All is All.  The "each" and "other"  that we experience is from the symbolic use of the world through language. A language that requires a subject. Who said there needed to be a subject? What if there was just "it" and "it" played itself?

When the loop begins to loop around itself, a feeling of disconnect and a world consisting of illusions occurs.  Egotistical behavior is a result so that one can try and prove to the world that they are there, that they are real, that there is something deep down inside of them (or maybe outside of them) that is the center of their self. I promise you this. You will never find that center because there is no center to find. So stop what you are trying to do and just listen. Do you hear it? Where does it all come from? Really listen now. Take a minute or two.. Close your eyes. Breathe.. Say "hello" in your head. Do it again and again, but slowly. Notice where it comes and goes. Do you hear it? It all comes from nothing and returns to nothing with an echo. All is nothing, you are nothing; and yet it is all everything. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

5 Mind Expanding Videos - Take A Second For Yourself

The videos speak for themselves. Take a second out of your day, stop what you are doing, relax, and listen. 

Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell - Floating In Infinity

Jason Silva - The Omega Point

Russell Brand - On life and love

Terence Mckenna and Joe Rogan - Awaken from the cultural narrative

Joe Rogan - What Is Reality?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Confronting Fear - Knowing the Unknown

You don't know anything.

And that's okay. As a collective global whole the human race knows almost nothing about how everything works (or more specifically why it works), we just know that it does and what repeats we call a fact. Things change, plates shift, houses break, people die.. you will die. We all know this, and yet we pretend we don't. What is needed is a confrontation with the unknown. Know the unknown. Play with it, laugh with it, be it.

"What blinds us, or what makes historical progress very difficult, is our lack of awareness of our ignorance."
 Terrence Mckenna

What is it that separates and duplicates everything on the cellular level, creating life as we know it? What makes particles "clump" together to create matter? What makes cells multiply and form together to then create you and other forms of life?  Why is it that particles, the building blocks of our universe, all have a magnetic charge to them? Why does the universe stay together? Why are we here? How do I will myself to do anything? Do "I" even do it? Who is the "I" that refers to the "I"? Why does everything  in the universe: planets, galaxies, trees, animals, rocks, everything, always come in multiple, why not just one?  What is consciousness? What is this? These are all fundamental questions unanswered. Can they even be answered? It's almost like the more we dig, the more wacky and complex everything gets like a foreverly complexifying kaleidoscope with no end (especially when you dive into the very nature of our reality, quantum mechanics). Terence Mckenna refers to the universe as a novelty producing engine. Humans have been leaving the world at higher and higher levels of complexity throughout the years. You too will do this throughout your experience here on Earth.  Mckenna theorizes that the universe will reach a point of no return and humans will "step out of the boundaries of matter". However, seeing as where are here right now, we might as will stay right here and not leap to any conclusions (which is of course all ideas, nothing concrete) and instead confront this unknown, your unknown, the unknown, and let the world spontaneously complexify in front us. Watch the art, watch the act.

I invite you to take a step back for a second from where you are now and look at everything's entire timeline, including your own. Notice how that tree outside started out as a seed. You started as a zygote. The universe (supposedly thus far) started as a quantum fluctuating crushed point smaller than the size of a head of a pin. What is everything doing? Starting at a singular point and then growing from within itselfComplexifying and multiplying in particular areas of the whole (a tree, you, a mountain, earth, planets, galaxies, stars, etc.) until it can no longer and then transfers that energy else where in its own unique way. It all goes back. The tree is already implied with the seed. In essence, the tree is the seed and the seed is the tree.

Before the big bang everything was crunched together into a very, very small "ball". Then BAM! The bang exploded and you, sitting here right now reading this, are a result of that. We tend to define ourselves as only that small little fragment of the entire process, and yet, billions of years of go you were a big bang. However, that bang is still in process. You are the big bang coming on as whoever you are, right now. You were implied, we were implied, all was implied in the seed of the big bang. You are the big bang, you are the universe, and the universe is you.

All of our lives we have been searching and searching for the truth in the external world. A "dead" truth that requires no further experience or searching. And yet, the only "truth" "out there" has been right here in front of you this whole time: Experience, your experience, right now. Truth keeps going and you are it. The moment, the now, is forever present and yet forever fleeting. It never leaves and yet never stays. It is gone before you can rationalize it, and once you do you are already referring to the past, not the present. Confront the unknown, know the unknown, and more importantly know yourself because you are that unknown. You are your fear and yet the two are not separate. Next time fear shows up in your life, stare into the very essence of it, fill yourself with it, embrace it. Don't think about it, just watch it. Thinking about or judging fear or anything else during the experience of fear, is fear. Fear is the running away from what is. Thinking is a way of distracting yourself from it, hiding yourself from who you truly really are. We don't want to know, really, at least not just yet. For now, it's a game of hide and seek. Watch how you pretend to be something that which you are not. Notice how in order to know who you are, you have to know that which you are not so by being that which you are not, you are being who you are. Next time fear comes up in your life, listen to it, follow it, be it. Feel it  and embrace it with every inch of your being. Watch it disappear, watch what happens, be what happens.

"When you see that you are a part of fear, not separate from it - that you are fear - then you cannot do anything about it; then fear comes totally to an end." 

Jiddu Krishnamurti, Freedom From the Known